Fast creation of enterprise-level business applications
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A system for developing balanced and optimized production plans, financial plans and investment plans for your departments and the assets controlled by them
The system is designed to automate the process of collecting production reports
The system is designed for operational management decision making. Standard reports with flexible customization of formulas for calculating indicators are available
We create and develop software products that simplify business process management partners are high-class experts in the development and implementation of BPM, RPA and low-code technologies
Download a complete presentation about the company with case descriptions, functional and technical features in a convenient format.

A company where everyone can prove themselves!

Here are a few of the rules that characterize working at best:
Therefore, our employees manage their own working hours and can plan a flexible working day
It's the result, not the process, that counts
Live in another city or country? Great! Our policy allows us to expand the geographic reach of employees
Location does not matter
Within the team, we communicate on a "first name" basis with colleagues and supervisors. This helps erase the boundaries that would inevitably arise in classic top-down communication.
We are for openness and a policy of free communication
Regular training and development of employees allows them to improve their skills and knowledge and increase their professional level.
We are committed to a culture of continuous development
What matters to us is the diversity of personalities, united by the same idea, who make the impossible possible.
We are for a fair and trusting work environment
Corporate parties, holiday events and socializing outside of work - all for free communication and creative interaction between employees.
We are for free communication and collective activities
In everyday communication there is no place for aggression, an elevated tone or the transition to personality. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of interpersonal communication, we will examine it in detail and find the most compromising and environmentally friendly solution.
We are for a policy of motivation and professionalism
The glass ceiling is not about If you think it's time to step up to the next professional level and increase your income - offer your vision of your new responsibilities and fair pay.
We know how to listen and hear